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Ashleigh (New Zealand) : member bio

Name: Ashleigh (New Zealand)
Userid: ashernz

Inventory: 0
Points: 1.8
Mooched/given: 61/37
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.45:1

Wishlist: 57
Feedback: +37
Smooches: 3
Charitable gifts: 3
Charity received: 2
Friends: 4
Cancelled requests: 12
Books receiving lost: 4
Rejected requests: 4

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2008/01/06
Last here: 5150 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: New Zealand

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I have been let down by quite a few people on BookMooch before, therefore I make sure that any people who mooch my books will be kept throughly updated on the status of their book mooches. I aim for accuracy on condition notes and postage dates.

I send all books wrapped in recycled paper, although I do wrap the books in a plastic bag first as I'd hate for them to get wet in your letterbox!

I'm a 21 year old New Zealander who has a bit of an obsession with reading! I would love a chance to swap some of my favourite novels with people around the world.

The book I'm currently reading and will next be putting on Bookmooch is Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.

I have a few "cancelled requests" on my account, the majority of whom never got back to me about requests. If you have any questions about them, just drop me an email. I have been let down by a lot of book owners on this website and therefore all people mooching from me can be guaranteed to be kept updated on the status of their mooches from me.

ALL books I mooch from this site will eventually be relisted so that someone else around the world can enjoy them. However this can sometimes take a while as I also lend the books to my friends and family to enjoy first.

***If there is a book that you can see that I've mooched that you desperately want, just let me know and I'll make sure that's the next book I put on my inventory. Thanks.***