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Carla (USA: TX) : member bio

Name: Carla (USA: TX) (on vacation)
Userid: carlamo
(I give a little)

Inventory: 0
Points: 1
Mooched/given: 1217/1709
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.78:1

Wishlist: 1810
Feedback: +1699
Smooches: 11
Charitable gifts: 14
Charity received: 5
Friends: 29
Cancelled requests: 108
Books receiving lost: 30
Books sending lost: 8
Rejected requests: 121

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/01/06
Last here: 2461 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I have been receiving some horribly damaged books lately (so bad that I have thrown some of them away). Unless you have described the damage in the condition notes, and I have mooched them anyway, please do not send me books that are water damaged, stained, torn, chewed on, taped together, held together with a rubber band, or pulling away from the spine. All I ask for is a decent copy of a used book so I can pass it on to someone else when I am through with it - and not be ashamed of its condition!

APRIL 2012: Work is a bit overwhelming right now. It may take a few days for me to accept a mooch, and I'll be shipping less frequently until things smooth out at the office. Please understand there may be a slight delay while I get through this rough patch. Sometimes it's not so fun to be the boss. :(
STANDING "I SCREWED UP & I'M REALLY SORRY" OFFER: If you request a book I don't have anymore, for any reason, I will gladly give you any 2 paperbacks of your choice from my inventory in its place.
Right now, I can't afford to send books internationally, but I might be able to send to CANADA. Please ask, and I will do so, if possible.
I also trade books on I try to update both inventories on a daily basis, but sometimes there is a bit of a lag. In the event a book is requested on both sites, I always send it to the one I receive first. And, being human, I've been known to make mistakes now and then - I try to be as accurate as possible, but I may forget to delete a book from one inventory or the other. Should this happen, I apologize.

CONDITION OF BOOKS: Please see my rant in my bio. :)
SMOKE: No one in my home smokes, but my books are USED (see rant), so I don't know what kind of environment they came from before. Generally, they've had time to air out.
PETS: I have 12 cats (yes, 12) who love to help me sort and wrap books. However, none of them smoke.


STANDING "I SCREWED UP & I'M REALLY SORRY" OFFER: If you request a book I don't have anymore, for any reason, I will gladly give you any 2 paperbacks of your choice from my inventory in its place.

Right now, I can't afford to send books internationally, but I might be able to send to CANADA. Please ask, and I will do so, if possible.

Wondering why I've rejected so many mooches and had so many cancellations? Well, it's because I did something really, really stoopid. I created a file containing an updated list of all the books I wanted to add to my wishlist, and then proceeded to upload the file to my inventory instead. Mooches started coming in left and right before I realized what had happened. My apologies to everyone and a great big thank you to all of you for being so kind and understanding ....

APRIL 2012: I've had a lot of medical problems lately, so please excuse me if I don't reply right away. Mailing books is not my top priority, but, since it's a break from the routine for me, I look forward to finding time to do it. Please be patient... thank you!

I also trade books on I try to update both inventories on a daily basis, but sometimes there is a bit of a lag. In the event a book is requested on both sites, I always send it to the one I receive first. And, being human, I've been known to make mistakes now and then - I try to be as accurate as possible, but I may forget to delete a book from one inventory or the other. Should this happen, I apologize.

Every so often, I download a file that contains all the books I've listed on PaperBackSwap and then upload it to Bookmooch. Sometimes this file contains over 2,000 books. Books are listed by ISBN, so the cover may be different, but the ISBN should be the same.

CONDITION OF BOOKS: [WARNING: RANT FOLLOWS] Okay, so apparently, the incredibly long message that follows this rant just doesn't seem to get the point across to some moochers that most of my books are USED. This means that the books aren't new. Not new. Non-new. Un-new. De-new-ed. Mostly. Usually. Almost always. Sometimes they are brand new and you get lucky. But most of the time, they... are.... not.... new. If you want to mooch a book from me and it is important to you to know EXACTLY what it looks like, then, for goodness sake - EMAIL ME FIRST! ASK! I will actually pull the actual book and describe its actual condition if you actually take the time to actually ASK ME!!! But, PLEASE don't skip the emailing me step, mooch a book from me, and THEN leave feedback about how the book looks USED!!!!! Especially when it's over 20 years old!!!!! Argggghhhhhhhhh [END OF RANT] Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. :)
It is important to note that almost all of my books are USED. This means they have probably been read before, the spines are probably creased, the covers may have been bent, creased, or have small tears, the pages may be yellowed, names may be written on or inside the books, hardbacks may not have a dust jacket, etc. Sometimes I buy the books by the bag, rather than individually. I get most of my books from local charity thrift stores or "Friends of the Library" sales, so I can support my favorite charities and my book habit at the same time...LOL. I try to go through the books and weed out the ones that shouldn't be traded, but I don't go over them with a fine tooth comb. I just have too many books listed and too little free time to note the condition of each and every book I list.

If you are concerned about the condition of the book, PLEASE EMAIL ME and ask! I will do my best to describe anything OTHER THAN normal wear and tear one should expect to see on a used book.

Also, please note the PUBLICATION DATE of the copy you are requesting! Don't expect a book that is 20+ years old to look like one printed in this century. There are a lot of titles that may be out of print or very hard to find, so I do not consider the age of the book to count against it when listing it. Old books look OLD... yellowed pages, dull colors, worn covers... if you want a new copy, then do not request one with a publication date from many years ago.

Many of my books have price stickers on them. I don't remove them because (A) it's not important to me, (B) I don't have the time to do it carefully, (C) I have poor vision, and (D) I tend to do more damage than good because (all together now!): it's not important to me, I don't have the time to do it carefully, and I have poor vision.

MAILING: When I accept a mooch, I almost always choose the option that says that I will mail the book(s) according to my comments, which means this profile. Unfortunately, I have a very stressful job that often keeps me working 12+ hours a day, even on weekends. Sometimes, I just have to wait a little longer to wrap and mail books.

WRAPPING: I wrap books VERY securely. Make sure you have a pair of scissors handy. Chainsaws are not usually necessary. Blowtorches are discouraged.

SMOKE: No one in my home smokes, but my books are USED (see above), so I don't know what kind of environment they came from before. Generally, they've had time to air out.

PETS: I have 12 cats (yes, 12) who love to help me sort and wrap books. However, none of them smoke.


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