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Noel (USA: FL) : member bio

Name: Noel (USA: FL)
Userid: cnrivera

Inventory: 0
Points: 13.3
Mooched/given: 42/41
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.02:1

Wishlist: 57
Feedback: +41
Cancelled requests: 5

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/01/13
Last here: 3757 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
At the moment, I'm a little low on cash, and I have a lot of books to send out, so if it takes me a week or two to get your book to you, then please just be patient. I'll certainly send you the title, but it -might- have to wait until my next pay period. Sorry if that causes a problem.

I'm pretty easy going about sending out the things in my inventory. If you have a question, just ask. International moochers can contact me when I have something they're after. I normally don't have a problem sending overseas, but if the cost is expensive, it might be more problematic (last time I sent something oversees, it cost me almost $20, and I REALLY can't do that again). Otherwise, happy mooching!

Most of my books are in fairly good condition unless I received them from other people, used bookstores, or unless they're just REALLY ancient. Generally I'll make a note if there's exceptional damage to a book.