Name: Denise (USA: CT)
Userid: dcw888
Inventory: 0
Points: 294.7
Mooched/given: 492/551
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.81:1
Wishlist: 48
Feedback: +551
Smooches: 35
Charitable gifts: 33
Charity received: 34
Friends: 34
Cancelled requests: 38
Books receiving lost: 17
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 8
Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2007/06/22
Last here: 1330 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: United States
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Books in inventory: 0 | | |
Status message: My home is smoke-free, but I do have 3 cats. I'm open to making deals if it will move these books out faster! Just ask. MAILING POLICY: I'm listing alot of books lately. I've been collecting books for 6 years and now must get rid of them. This means I'm getting alot of requests. Here's how I'm handling it: -- I ACCEPT when I package the book; please assume when you mooch that as long as you are within the US that your mooch is accepted. I will mail within a few days of your mooch. I try my very best to mail in order of request, and definitely within a week. -- I mark the book SENT when I drop it in the post office box in front of the post office. This can even be on Sundays or on holidays. Please don't be upset if I mark your book mailed on days the post office is closed because that box is always "open" and I will drop them there as soon as I can after they are packaged. I recycle packaging when I can, but I am very careful with the tape as to not damage the contents. Bio: My interests in books range from historical romance, paranormal romance, Christian books ( I LOVE Joyce Meyer), and getting organized (since I'm not!) I'm also reading alot of material on anti-inflammatory eating and lifestyle. I am a "collector" at heart, so I have a ton of books I've never read, and will soon need to part with (my hubby is getting crowded in this big house -- so it's the books, or him -- it's a close call, but I have to choose him; something about vows, 'til death so us part and all that :-))
Forums joined: bookmooch_blog, discussion, frugal_readers, inventory_specials.
Forums active on: bookmooch_blog, frugal_readers, inventory_specials. |