Name: Derek (United Kingdom)
Userid: dstrowes
Inventory: 0
Points: 0.7
Mooched/given: 97/107
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.04:1
Wishlist: 113
Feedback: +107
Charitable gifts: 1
Cancelled requests: 15
Rejected requests: 2
Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2011/02/24
Last here: 1457 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom
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Books in inventory: 0 | | |
Status message: I am only allowing mooches from the UK at the moment. I will allow international requests as soon as I am financially able. Thanks. Bio: I love reading books and I have a fairly sizable collection that I have yet to make my way through. When I finish a book I like to think that somebody else can enjoy it after me. I've been a member of Bookmooch for a while now and I think it is a fantastic website. I enjoy reading all kinds of books but my preferences lie towards science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction. I alternate between sending internationally and to the UK only depending on my financial status.
Forums joined: newbie_bookmoocher_thread.
Forums active on: newbie_bookmoocher_thread. |