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Kevin (Canada) : member bio

Name: Kevin (Canada)
Userid: marcelproust

Inventory: 0
Points: 56.9
Mooched/given: 62/66
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.02:1

Wishlist: 140
Feedback: +66
Smooches: 2
Charitable gifts: 4
Charity received: 2
Cancelled requests: 12
Books receiving lost: 2

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2007/10/26
Last here: 2955 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Canada

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Please read my bio page, if you have time. Practice Bookmooch karma!

Our books are all in good condition - any exceptions will be noted in the condition notes.

Now a note about Bookmooch karma ...

My wife and I send books anywhere in the world. We encourage you to do the same. It's frustrating to have three-quarters of the available books denied to us because the member who owns them refuses to consider mailing outside of his or her own country.

We are aware that in certain countries (the U.S., notably), domestic postal rates are very low, especially in comparison with rates for mailing books outside the country. This is a disincentive to sharing, certainly.

But if you are able to afford the occasional foreign mailing, please do it. Bookmooch will be stronger for it, and someday you'll want a book you cannot source in your own country. Please participate in the wider world of Bookmooch!