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AlwaysReadin (USA: NY) : member bio

Name: AlwaysReadin (USA: NY) (on vacation)
Userid: shamr0cka
(I give a little)

Inventory: 0
Points: 7.3
Mooched/given: 66/60
Pending mooch/give: 0/1
Mooch ratio: 1.28:1

Wishlist: 35
Feedback: +56
Smooches: 1
Charitable gifts: 1
Friends: 8
Cancelled requests: 15
Books receiving lost: 5
Books sending lost: 4
Rejected requests: 15

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2007/09/02
Last here: 2354 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
MOST of my books were lost in a quick and poorly thought out move. I really don't know what I have until it's requested and I look for it and can't find it. I sincerely apologize to anyone that has asked me for a book and then been rejected. If I still had the book, I'd be more than happy to send it to you!

Home page:

I spend a good chunk of my time on the NYC subway. I read tons of books to pass the time on the trip. I usually just read the best sellers of the moment, but I love the more interesting, disturbing, and psychological thrillers. I send my books via Media Mail (or first class if its cheaper) from Queens, so give them about 5-7 days to show up. I am more than happy to re-mooch books after I receive them, so books on my wishlist will be made available again shortly.

***I know nothing about "editions" or special nonsense that people focus on with books. I buy books to read them (crazy, I know) and I don't care what kind of shape it's in, or what year and what place it was published. So, IF I SEND YOU THE WRONG "EDITION" or a book with the wrong publishing company, just email me, and I will mooch the book back from you, so that we're all even. Some of you get REALLY carried away with specifics, but considering this is a used book swapping website, I say just take what you can get. Please don't leave silly negative feedback because the color of the girls eyes on the cover were brown and you wanted the one where her eyes are green (seriously happened to me once, unbelievable!) IF you're not happy with the book, let me know, and I'll mooch it back. And easy!****