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Kate Simonian (Australia) : member bio

Name: Kate Simonian (Australia) (temporarily on hold)
Userid: simonian

Inventory: 0
Points: 21.7
Mooched/given: 532/360
Pending mooch/give: 1/1
Mooch ratio: 1.66:1

Wishlist: 2341
Feedback: +361
Smooches: 8
Charitable gifts: 18
Charity received: 14
Friends: 18
Cancelled requests: 89
Books receiving lost: 4
Books sending lost: 12
Rejected requests: 31

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/01/12
Last here: 5482 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Australia

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I now live out of home and only send books when I go back. So if you mooch off me you may have to wait a couple of weeks because I am also really poor. I do send by airmail though.

I have a lot of cancels from when I first signed up for bookmooch when my brother ordered a bunch of random books (some of which weren't in English). I only ever reject a request when I cannot find the book (this has happened three times). Now I only ever cancel a request if the person has not responded, and that's just because sometimes people bail, or start up new accounts or whatever. If I do cancel a book I have ordered off you, and you have already sent it, I will charity you the points if you e-mail me and let me know. I never cancel a request from someone I have been in email contact with, because I know they have received my request. If you are unhappy with the condition of the books I send you, please let me know and I will send you back the points.

A lot of my books are second-hand ones I have mooched off others or bought at used-book sales or stores. I send by air-mail every fortnight or so, because I like to wait until I have a few different packages to send, and sometimes I'm short of money.