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Katharine Kerr : The Black Raven (Dragon Mage, No 2)

Author: Katharine Kerr
Title: The Black Raven (Dragon Mage, No 2)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 400
Date: 2011-09-09
ISBN: 0006482600
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Weight: 0.49 pounds
Size: 4.09 x 6.85 x 1.18 inches
Edition: paperback / softback
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Previous givers: 3 Nirvana (Australia), BecLevell (United Kingdom), BecLevell (United Kingdom)
Previous moochers: 3 Kev (United Kingdom), Sherrill FOUTS (USA: TX), Sherrill FOUTS (USA: TX)
3Alison T (United Kingdom), Suzanne (Australia), Samantha (United Kingdom).
Description: Product Description
Book ten of the celebrated Deverry series, an epic fantasy rooted in Celtic mythology that intricately interweaves human and elven history over several hundred years.

Amazon Review
The Black Raven is Book Two of The Dragon Mage, and the tenth volume of the Deverry series, a fantasy epic consisting of three interrelated quartets. As Katherine Kerr says, the past and the present weave together in these novels, and the final volume will link with the first to reveal an overall design akin to a Celtic knot threading back and forth upon itself. This is a strange pseudo-Celtic world in which reincarnation is a reality and past lives forever affect the present in surprising and unexpected ways, so that while The Black Raven can be read alone, it is advisable to begin with the first book Daggerspell.

In a complex novel of civil war, sacrifice and power, what impresses most is that an epic canvas is used to tell a strongly characterised and very human tale of hatred and destructive evil, and of the consequences of past malevolence on both the heroine Lilli, and the Prince Maryn. By keeping the narrative tightly focused around a small number of characters, and by maintaining strict limits to the rather elaborately conceived elements of magic and the supernatural, Katherine Kerr ensures that her fantastical history does not overwhelm the more personal and affecting dimensions of the tale. The result is a polished, emotionally involving and powerful novel in which even the dreams of a dragon may come evocatively to life. --Gary S. Dalkin

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