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Nancy Willard : Cracked Corn and Snow Ice Cream: A Family Almanac

Author: Nancy Willard
Title: Cracked Corn and Snow Ice Cream: A Family Almanac
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 64
Date: 1997-09-01
ISBN: 015227250X
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Weight: 1.25 pounds
Size: 8.5 x 11.1 x 0.7 inches
Edition: 1st
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Previous givers: 1 Michele (USA: CA)
Previous moochers: 1 Jody Mae (USA: IL)
2Britt (USA: NH), Jennifer Sweeney (USA: AR).
Description: Product Description
This almanac for children has everything they need to know about all twelve months of the year-when to plant, what to celebrate, who to remember. It contains fascinating information about the kitchen and the garden, the weather and the world, and, from the past, the true voices of Nancy Willard’s and Jane Dyer’s relatives telling small stories of real farm life in the Midwest long ago. Review
A combination oral history, scrapbook, almanac, recipe sampler, and photo album, Cracked Corn and Snow Ice Cream will be a pleasure for any child or adult. Those who loved the Little House books will especially enjoy the rural recollections here. The book is crammed with photos and funny facts (33 cows will fit into a classroom), poems and farming lore, home arts, jokes, moon phases, and riddles, all appearing in a month-by-month format. Jane Dyer's magical illustrations complement the photos and the text.

Cracked Corn and Snow Ice Cream is a perfect treat for anyone who has (or wishes to have) a strong sense of family or history, for grandparents who want to share memories with children, or for people sending a gift to children they don't know well. (The publisher recommends this book for all ages, but children ages 4 and older will enjoy the text the most.)

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