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Tom Parker Bowles : The Year of Eating Dangerously: A Global Adventure in Search of Culinary Extremes

Author: Tom Parker Bowles
Title: The Year of Eating Dangerously: A Global Adventure in Search of Culinary Extremes
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 374
Date: 2007-09-04
ISBN: 0312373783
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 1.16 x 5.35 x 8.99 inches
Edition: First Edition
Previous givers: 2 Shelly (USA: TX), Cat (USA: MA)
Previous moochers: 2 varielle (USA), Meg (USA: MD)
Description: Product Description
Fugu. Dog. Cobra. Bees. Spleen.  A 600,000 SCU chili pepper.
All considered foods by millions of people around the world.  And all objects of great fascination to Tom Parker Bowles, a food journalist who grew up eating his mother's considerably safer roast chicken, shepherd's pie and mushy peas.  Intrigued by the food phobias of two friends, Parker Bowles became inspired to examine the cultural divides that make some foods verboten or "dangerous" in the culture he grew up with while being seen as lip-smacking delicacies in others. So began a year-long odyssey through Asia, Europe and America in search of the world's most thrilling, terrifying and odd foods.
Parker Bowles is always witty and sometimes downright hilarious in recounting his quest for envelope-pushing meals, ranging from the potentially lethal to the outright disgusting to the merely gluttonous--and he proves in this book that an open mouth and an open mind are the only passports a man needs to truly discover the world .  
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