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Rainer Maria Rilke : Wartime Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke

Author: Rainer Maria Rilke
Title: Wartime Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Date: 1964-05-17
ISBN: 0393001601
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Weight: 0.65 pounds
Size: 1.0 x 5.0 x 8.0 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 2 pmoffitt0609 (USA: NJ), pmoffitt0609 (USA: NJ)
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1WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria).
Description: Product Description

The letters Rilke wrote during the war and postwar years are of particular interest not only for whatever they may contain of the wisdom of the poet, the artist, and the humanitarian, but for their analysis of the intellectual and spiritual currents of the time.

These letters give the account of Rilke's own state of mind and of his final approach to the threshold of his great works. They show the rapid change he underwent after his reaction to the first excitement of the war; how his dismay at the cruelty and confusion of war helped to render the poet in him speechless for many years; how he nevertheless characteristically held to his own fundamental views throughout war and revolution and in spite of everything retained his belief in the capacity of humanity to create for itself a better future.
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