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James Patterson : Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas

Author: James Patterson
Title: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
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Published in: English
ISBN: 0446611085
Latest: 2025/01/13
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Reviews: sdb (France) (2008/08/05):
Absolutely fantastic book, real feel good story that will have you laughing and crying along with the characters.

Heather (USA: WV) (2009/03/08):
Katie Wilkinson had, what she thought to be, a perfect, dream come true relationship. But the wind gets sucked from her sails quickly and painfully.
Matt Harrison was the man of Katie's dreams, but also the man who would eventually hurt her.
What Katie didn't know and would learn in time was the unimaginable pain and sadness Matt has survived and unfortunately was unable to let go of.
After the break up Matt send Katie a diary, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas and tells her that maybe by reading it she will begin to understand.

The book is written from Katie's point of view and also from Suzanne's. You will learn by taking the journey of discovery, with Katie, reading the diary. The transition of present day to the diary is seamless and helps pull you deeper into the lives of every major character. You will celebrate, mourn, fall in love, cry and rejoice. It is hard not to become intertwined in the lives of the characters. I think it was best said by another reviewer at the beginning of the book that it will move you to your soul. I know it did mine.

smoke_099 (USA: OH) (2010/02/02):
When I was first introduced to this book I thought the ending had been ruined for me when someone described it, didn't even know if it was worth reading. But I mooched it and it wasn't long before I was hooked and could not put it down. Though very disappointed I knew the outcome I continued through unable to stop and was very shocked at the end because come to find out that my friend had not ruined the ending at all. It is a fantastic, fast read, and very compelling. This book has actually started an addiction to this author and I can not get enough. While this book is very different from Patterson's normalcy, I now believe this man can write anything. A must read!

gdavis (USA: NV) (2011/06/04):
This is an enchanting story that draws the reader in from the very beginning and keeps you wondering until the very end.
It is the story of a young woman who meets and falls in love with a man who can't tell her about his past.
One day he disappears and soon she receives a Diary, which he asks her to read, saying it will explain his past.
Intriguing, captivating and wonderful! A book to remember and share.