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Carolyn G. Keene : The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, No 1)

Author: Carolyn G. Keene
Title: The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, No 1)
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
ISBN: 0448095017
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Reviews: Bill Dalton (Indonesia) (2010/03/20):
I really liked this book, a mystery that you can't figure out in the beginning but I get it at the end!

Debra (USA: OR) (2014/01/08):
Nancy Drew, No 1

After aiding an injured child, Nancy accidentally stumbles upon the mystery of Josiah Crowley's missing will. While several of Crowley's impoverished relatives claim that he had included them in his will, his arrogant relatives, seem to possess the only copy, which leaves them in total possession of the deceased man's fortune. Nancy is intrigued by the situation and begins searching for Crowley's missing antique clock, an object that reportedly contains a clue to the will's location. During her investigation, she encounters a series of obstacles, one of which is the theft of the clock by thieves. Nancy's rescue of the clock ultimately leads to her discovery of the real will.

Isaac H (USA: PA) (2016/06/20):
I would give Book one the secret of the old clock a seven out of ten. Nancy is driving along in her blue convertible and sees a moving truck pass her. At that moment there was a little girl walking on a wall beside the road. When the truck passes her she falls of the wall and becomes ucounchios so nancy takes her into the house by the road. Her aunts thank nancy for saving there daughter and ex plain that they are very poor. And that Judy (that is the little girl's name) mother had died not long ago. Nancy discuses the mystery of Jowasie Crowley's will. Nancy is Driving back home and sees a storm brewing her hood on her car does not work. So she pulls into a barn by the side of the road she hears a scream and she thinks she has hit someone. she gets out and inspects her car. someone comes out kindley explaines that she had been suprised when Nancy drove in. Nancy also discuses Jowasie Crowley's will becase they need money for singing lessons these are the hoovers. there father and mother had died as well. Nancy finds the will with a lot of work and has her father invite everybody over to the Drew house to discuss who gets what. I think you should read the book.