Judy (USA: AZ) (2018/08/04): Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate Tending Roses Series Book One Ben and Kate Bowman were “living the life” as some say. Things changed in the blink of an eye. A baby born with heart issues. Hospital bills that were piling up and insurance refusing to pay. And Grandma Rose needing someone to stay with her until after Christmas because of health issues.Kate was on extended leave from work and Ben could work from home. So the adventure began. Grandma Rose was not an easy women to be around. Kate's family was at odds with each other for the past six years. And the money issues were pulling at Kate's marriage. Another story that pulls at the heartstrings and gets the tear ducts flowing. And more. I wish I'd taken more time to sit and learn my own history before my grandparents and mom had passed away. Our busy lives often keep us so focused on the future, that we forget to remember our past. Thank you, Lisa Wingate, for another well-written book that is so much more than just a fiction read. **Received book through Penguin Random House for an honest review http://justjudysjumbles.blogspot.com/2014/01/lisa-wingate-book-list.html