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Sylvia Browne : Past Lives, Future Healing: A Psychic Reveals the Secrets to Good Health and Great Relationships

Author: Sylvia Browne
Title: Past Lives, Future Healing: A Psychic Reveals the Secrets to Good Health and Great Relationships
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 304
Date: 2002-06-01
ISBN: 0451205979
Publisher: Berkley
Weight: 0.55 pounds
Size: 0.6 x 5.4 x 8.0 inches
Edition: Reprint
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Description: Product Description
The one expert millions of readers have learned to trust, one of the few psychics instantly recognizable to television viewers, Sylvia Browne is back. She has proven herself, in her fifty years of working as a medium, to be the reigning queen of psychic phenomena. Here is an insightful look at how much of one's present life is informed by one's past lives, and how many health and relationship problems have their roots in unresolved past lives. From unexplained illnesses to bizarre phobias, from irrational anxieties and fears to the choice of partners, each can be traced back to past lives. Even birthmarks and recurring dreams are signs of issues from past lives. Sylvia helps readers recognize where their deep-rooted problems, fears, and hang-ups all began-and how to ultimately resolve them. Review
You've got to hand it to the renowned celebrity psychic Sylvia Browne--she gives it straight from the gut and really doesn't give a hoot whether you believe her. As a result, it's hard to not be captivated and convinced by her firm belief in the afterlife, or in this case, the beforelife. Her writing is most riveting when she uses her storytelling voice, relating dialogue from client sessions that include past-life stories. In fact, she opens the book with a scene in which she follows the small clues offered by an agoraphobic to help him reveal that a past-life poisoning (when he was an Aztec ruler) had been crippling his present life. Throughout the book, Brown continues to use real-life client stories to show how past-life baggage can weigh down a present life. The final chapters offer how-to lessons on conducting your own past-life regression and healing sessions. Be warned: Browne's writing sometimes sounds like the channeled writing that was popular in the late 1980's: "The miraculous gift of eternity means that the singular essence that is you will always, always exist." But readers may forgive her these lapses, as she clearly writes from heartfelt convictions rather than a stylized formula. --Gail Hudson

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