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Catherine Coulter : Wizard's Daughter

Author: Catherine Coulter
Title: Wizard's Daughter
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Published in: English
ISBN: 0515143944
Latest: 2024/06/08
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3vonnie (United Kingdom), pablo Molina (USA: MO), Chantel (USA: IN).
Reviews: Joby (Canada) (2008/05/20):
From the back cover:
When Ryder Sherbrooke finds a child nearly beaten to death in an alley in Eastbourne, he takes her home to Brandon House. She doesn't speak for six months. Her first words, oddly enough, are a haunting song:

I dream of beauty and sightless night
I dream of strength and fevered might
I dream I'm not alone again
But I know of his death and her grievous sin.

Ah, and just what does this strange song mean that was seemingly imprinted on the child's brain?

She names herself Rosalind de La Fontaine since she cannot remember who she is. In her first season in London in 1835, under the aegis of the Sherbrookes, she meets Nicholas Vail, the seventh Earl of Mountjoy, newly arrived from Macau. It is instant fascination on both their parts, but for different reasons.

With Grayson Sherbrooke, they are led to an ancient copy of a mysterious book written by a sixteenth-century wizard. The book is written in a baffling code that neither Grayson nor Nicholas can read.

But Rosalind can, easily.

Strange things start happening. Both Nicholas and Rosalind know it has to do with the old book and, perhaps, even her past, particularly the song she first sang as a child. The urgency builds as they realize Rosalind is the key to a centuries-old mystery.
I mooched this book because I saw it advertised in one of those books clubs and it listed it as explicit sex. As a budding writer, I was interested in what was considered explicit sex. Catherine Coulter is a whiz at writing the Victorian language we've come to know with Sense and Sensibility and such. I didn't realize that there is a whole Sherbrooke series. Wizard's Daughter being the 10th in the series. Still, the book reads as it's own and I don't think you need the other 9 to understand Wizard's Daughter. But, I never found out what the Rosalind's song meant. I couldn't get thru the book. Written well and with short chapters, easy to get thru, but it took more than half the book to get to the first sex scene. Yes, Nicholas and Rosalind have great romantic tension, but I like my romance novels steamier. And the sex was not explicit. I might try one of Coulter's novels in the future to see if they run the same format. Like I said, she is great at the written word, just would like to see more romance in her books, i.e. sex.

Mangaddict (USA: MN) (2008/09/07):
I was confused. Then it made sense! Wizards.... every plot hole can be explained by wizards! You don't have to use logic; you can use wizards. Holy Blampf Batman! There is No. Internal. Logic. None. Zero. Zip. Because who needs logic when you have wizards? No internal logic = no story. No wonder I am mad, I couldn't figure out the story. And I couldn't figure out the story because it doesn't make any sense. It's not because I'm an idiot (145 IQ), it's because there's none to get! I'm going to return this book. It's that bad. Actually it's this bad:

This story : literature :: 2+2 = Chair : Math.

Rodz (USA: OH) (2012/05/20):