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Lois McMaster Bujold : Ethan of Athos

Author: Lois McMaster Bujold
Title: Ethan of Athos
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 256
Date: 1986-12-15
ISBN: 067165604X
Publisher: Baen
Weight: 0.3 pounds
Size: 4.29 x 0.67 x 6.93 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 1 Dawn (USA: MD)
Previous moochers: 1 Maria S (USA: MN)
Description: Product Description
Our hero is a quiet, upstanding citizen of Athos, an obstetrician in a world in which reproduction is carried out entirely via uterine replicator, without the aid of living women. Problem: the 200-year-old cultures are not providing eggs the way they used to, and attempts to order replacements by mail have failed catastrophically. But when Ethan is sent to find out what happened and acquire more eggs, he finds himself in a morass of Cetagandan covert ops and Jackson Whole politics - and the only person who's around to rescue him is the inimitable - and, disturbingly, female - Elli Quinn, Dendarii rent-a-spy. Review
Our hero is a quiet, upstanding citizen of Athos, an obstetrician in a world in which reproduction is carried out entirely via uterine replicator, without the aid of living women. Problem: the 200-year-old cultures are not providing eggs the way they used to, and attempts to order replacements by mail have failed catastrophically. But when Ethan is sent to find out what happened and acquire more eggs, he finds himself in a morass of Cetagandan covert ops and Jackson Whole politics--and the only person who's around to rescue him is the inimitable--and, disturbingly, female--Elli Quinn, Dendarii rent-a-spy.

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