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Patty Doyle Debano : The Conception Chronicles: The Uncensored Truth About Sex, Love & Marriage When You're Trying to Get Pregnant

Author: Patty Doyle Debano
Title: The Conception Chronicles: The Uncensored Truth About Sex, Love & Marriage When You're Trying to Get Pregnant
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 284
Date: 2005-06-01
ISBN: 0757302386
Publisher: HCI
Weight: 0.9 pounds
Size: 6.34 x 8.48 x 0.72 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Description: Product Description

When we first started down the baby-making path, we thought we'd be pregnant in no time. We'd just toss out our birth control pills and before we knew it, we'd be rocking our little one to sleep. Little did we know what was in store for us, or the energy it would take to face all of the crazy, unpredictable and (sometimes) irrational emotions we felt along the way. Neither did our husbands. Sound familiar?

  • If your idea of foreplay is screaming, "I'm ovulating; it's time!!!" to your oblivious husband...
  • If your ovulation schedule is ruling your life and every trip to the drug store includes a bulk purchase of pregnancy sticks...
  • If you're running out of answers to the chronic questioning from the pregnancy paparazzi about your plans for parenthood ...

Then this is the book for you. Whether it's been three months or three years since you've been trying, the more complicated and overwhelming the process becomes.

The Conception Chronicles shares candid humor, hold-nothing-back banter and practical advice on everything that goes along with trying to start a family: from dealing with your fertile friends to the battery of tests you may have to face; from surviving "sex on demand" to navigating the ins and outs of high-tech fertility treatments. This book will guide you through the emotional journey to motherhood, offering compassion and laughter like only your best girlfriends can. And we promise you'll never hear us say, "Relax and you'll be pregnant in no time."

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