Reviews: |
Tara (USA: MI) (2007/12/07): If you don't mind foul language and want to become a vegetarian, this is your book. Otherwise, it's not worth the wait.
jessica (USA: FL) (2008/04/19): As a new vegetarian myself, I LOVE any book that tries to show the harmful effects of meat and the way animals are treated before they are killed. It's important to me now that I know how great I feel after getting meat out of my diet and I also know it would help our nation as a whole to eliminate meat from our diets. But this book doesn't accomplish much. Both authors really have no clue what they're talking about because they are not nutritionists. They are not doctors. They really know nothing about the subject, so instead of reading medical journals and ripping through great amounts of information to find out, they just cite sources like peta and "". Since they're writing a biased book about being vegan, the very least they could do is cite UNBIASED sources. It would make them seem a lot more credible. And that's the first rule to gaining an audience: credibility. They lost it pretty quickly. As far as the foul language goes, it makes them seem immature and juvenile. I'm sorry that a better, more scienfically founded book couldn't have made it to the best seller list. This is a disgrace.
Wendy (Australia) (2008/06/30): Trashy, patronising and narrow-minded.The authors simply assume that anyone who doesn't agree with their views is an idiot and hand out "advice" accordingly. There are much better diet books out there. Not to mention there's more to life than being skinny.
Regina (USA: OR) (2008/08/22): Good grief, what a demeaning, mean-spirited book. I couldn't get past the browsing stage I was so appalled. One passage did stand out, though. To paraphrase, "we're really not bitches." Yeah, right. You gotta be something like that in order to spew out what's in this book. Don't waste your time.
Kate (USA: CA) (2008/08/28): I agree that this book is probably not worth the wait. There are lots of books that have better information about this subject. I liked The Food Revolution.
Wendy Bettencourt (USA: TX) (2009/01/28): This is a thinly veiled vegan manifesto. I have no problem with vegans and I certainly understand their beliefs; that said, being a vegetarian/vegan is NOT the only weight loss stragegy, and it may not even be the best one! This book's title and press materials have been very misleading; the authors don't care how skinny you are, they simply want to bully you into becoming vegan.
LaurelC (USA: OH) (2009/04/21): I hate this book. That's a very rare thing for me to say. It's not even the foul language, it's the absolute know-it-all, snarky attitude. It says on the back cover that "They (the authors) may be bitches, but they are skinny bitches", and let me tell you, there's no doubt about the bitch part. I skimmed the book, and that's all the time I'll spend with it. I wouldn't allow myself to be spoken to so disrespectfully, let alone spend my time reading this holier-than-thou drivel.
Henna (Finland) (2009/04/28): I have only one word for this, and it's awesome!
Tabbycat2482 (USA: IL) (2009/08/19): i loved this book, and there are some really funny parts in it. i loved how they called soda "liquid Satan", i laughed out loud at that one.
caitzieli (USA: UT) (2009/09/03): Eh. I'm nuetral. I've read worse, but I've also read a lot better. There is just one thing lacking with this book, common sense. I will not, repeat, WILL NOT, be told I can't have my dairy and favorite foods (cupcakes, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, potato chip, ect.). Nope. I felt indeed, bullied and disheartened that the authors completely dismissed meats because of the animal treatment. Eh... I grew up on a farm and as an adult I spend a lot of time and money looking for locally grown and raised foods. Not that hard people! And the reason those BAD foods taste so good... because they are!!!!
Goodkat (USA) (2011/11/21): its just pro-vegan crap. its not a way to live life. if you can't go to a restaurant, a party, a wedding, or a get-together because you're trying to follow all the rules in the book, then whats the point? if humans werent supposed to eat meat, we woudlnt have canine teeth.