Isa (USA: CA) (2007/05/29): This is a d*rn fine book. Hugo Winner, Nebula Winner, classic miltary SF. It's *so* good, that I'm feeling nervous listing my *second* copy. (What if something happens to my remaining copy?!) Note that Mr. Card is far from my favourite author, but Ender's Game (and it's "sequel" Ender's Shadow) are very different from most of his works.
Jon Moss (USA: KS) (2008/12/05): For my review and other reviews of this Hugo and Nebula Award winning novel, please visit at
Steve (USA: PA) (2010/08/06): A great entree into the world of science fiction. Engaging and stimulating on many levels. It's cast of characters are young children which makes the story especially assessable to young people. The story features characters you care about and unexpected surprises. This one is over the top.