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David Catchpoole; Jonathan Sarfati; Carl Wieland : The Creation Answers Book

Author: David Catchpoole; Jonathan Sarfati; Carl Wieland
Title: The Creation Answers Book
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 272
Date: 2012-05-01
ISBN: 094990662X
Publisher: Creation Book Publishers, LLC
Weight: 0.85 pounds
Size: 5.4 x 8.4 x 0.7 inches
Edition: 1st
Previous givers: 3 Nicole (USA: GA), Nicole (USA: GA), Nicole (USA: GA)
Previous moochers: 3 Grad Student Book Group (USA), Brad (USA: SC), Brad (USA: SC)
2henrybish (United Kingdom), Majid Abdolrahimi (Iran).
Description: Product Description
More than 60 of the most-asked questions about Creation, Evolution, and the Book of Genesis Answered! Not only does it answer your own questions, but equips you to effectively respond to those that resist the Gospel due to worldly teaching on origins. This important work is a must have for anyone s library!

Does God Exist?
Six Days? Really?
What about the Gap Theory?
What About Carbon Dating?
How can we see distant stars in a young universe?
How did bad things come about?
What about arguments for evolution?
Who was Cain's wife?
Were the 'sons of God' and/or the nephilim extra-terrestrials?
Was the Flood global?
What about continental drift?
Noah's Flood what about all that water?
How did the animals fit on Noah's Ark?
How did fresh and saltwater fish survive the flood?
Where are all the human fossils?
What about the Ice Age?
How did animals get to Australia?
How did all the different 'races' arise?
What about dinosaurs?
What can I do?
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