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Richard A. Cech : Making Plant Medicine

Author: Richard A. Cech
Title: Making Plant Medicine
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 276
Date: 2000-02-28
ISBN: 0970031203
Publisher: Horizon Herbs
Weight: 0.7 pounds
Size: 5.16 x 0.0 x 8.11 inches
Edition: One
Description: Product Description
Making Plant Medicine is about making herbal medicine. This is a modern medicine making book and formulary with its roots in original herbalism designed for every medicinal herb gardener to cultivate the full potential of the plant-human relationship. Richo Cech tells very good stories based on his experience as a global wanderer, herbalist and medicine maker. In the context of his lifelong love of gardening, he has procduced this long-awaited book that is original, amusing and absolutely useful.

Part 1: Medicine Making
* drying and processing herbs
* making tinctures the easy way
* the mathematics of tincturing and solubility factors
* basic formulas for fresh and dry tinctures, including dosages
* vinegar extracts, glycerites, herbal succi and syrups teas, decoctions, herbal oils, salves and creams poultices, compresses and soaks

Part 2: A Gardener's Formulary
This section covers well over 100 herbs that are readily cultivated in North America. The listings include: conservation status, parts used, specific formulas, practical uses, dosages, contraindications and an overview of alternate species.

Since the beginning, the garden has been a haven of good values, both physical and spiritual. The act of gardening provides a balm for every wound. May your medicine be of the garden, and may it be of benefit to all.

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