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Jerry B. Jenkins : Riven (Jenkins)

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins
Title: Riven (Jenkins)
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
ISBN: 141430904X
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Reviews: JenniferB (Canada) (2008/09/14):
If there was a title for “Most Renowned Christian Novelist”, Jerry B. Jenkins would be a top contender. With more than 170 published works, fiction and non-fiction, 12 New York Times bestsellers and over 63 million copies of his books sold since 1995 I’m not sure who else could come close to claiming the title. With such a massive body of work, I cannot claim to be remotely acquainted with his range of writing abilities. I have read the Left Behind series, co-authored with Tim LaHaye, that catapulted Jenkins into the household conversations of Christian families nation-wide.

Jenkins’ latest solo novel, Riven is both similar to and completely disparate from the series that drove him to fame. While the Left Behind series did speak to me during the time that I was first coming to know Christ, I’m pleased to say that Jenkins’ writing has markedly improved since then.

Riven is the story of two men – a sinner and a saint. Thomas Carey is a devoted man of God. Committed to pouring himself out for God’s people, he and his wife Grace are devout followers of Jesus; never failing in their devotions, always striving onwards and upwards, despite the lack of fruit from their ministry. Brady Wayne Darby is the archetypal bad boy. Raised in a trailer park by an alcoholic mother, he soon falls pray to the sinful nature that begins to devour him. Like us all, he is unable to escape from sin under his own power. He quickly falls prey to lying, theft, drug abuse, and various felonies that lead to repeat visits to correctional institutes over the course of his adult life.

While the contrast of these two lives may seem contrived within the context of a review, it is anything but. The characters of these two men are developed over the course of hundreds of pages. We follow each of them through their struggles, their difficulties and their crises. We become first hand witnesses of their lives; we come to know them as personally as a friend or relative.

I know these men as I have known few other characters – I will never forget them. Thomas, so stubbornly faithful, clings to the rock though he lacks a fruitful ministry. Brady slips deeper into darkness, the burden of his sin mounting, and no hope in sight. I came to love them both. I have never developed such a heart for an unsaved character. Brady must have been difficult for Jenkins, a believer, to write. Once a man is saved it is difficult to remember the burden, the despair, being lost. Jenkins captures it all, magnificently. Thomas and Brady need each other, and when they finally meet the world is shaken for Jesus.

I’m surprised that controversy hasn’t arisen over this title. The entire premise, particularly the conclusion, is sensational, unbelievable. I was swept away in an emotional maelstrom that had me weeping throughout the last 100 pages. It is easy to suspend disbelief when you can hardly see through your tears. Read with Kleenex at hand is my cautionary warning.

Jenkins makes it work, once again rattling hearts for God. I was not at all expecting what this book offered me: a graphic reminder of what Jesus has done for me, a story of radical redemption, the promise of hope, and something more than these three added together, something elusive and hard to define that exists in the melding of these elements.

Who’s to know what impact Riven will have as the good news spreads? Jenkins work has touched the hearts of many and led them to repentance and belief. I can picture it happening again. Riven is a treasure to share, not only amongst believers, but also for those who don’t realize that what Jesus did on the cross was for them.

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