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T. J. MacGregor : The Everything Dreams Book: From Fantasies to Nightmares, What Your Dreams Mean, How to Remember Them, and How They Affect Your Everyday Life (The Everything Series)

Author: T. J. MacGregor
Title: The Everything Dreams Book: From Fantasies to Nightmares, What Your Dreams Mean, How to Remember Them, and How They Affect Your Everyday Life (The Everything Series)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Date: 1997-10
ISBN: 1558508066
Publisher: Adams Media Corp
Weight: 1.4 pounds
Size: 8.0 x 9.1 x 0.8 inches
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Description: Product Description
When you dream, your unconscious mind is sending discreet messages that hold the keys to your personal happiness. You can use dreams as tools for better understanding yourself, solving problems, or even increasing creativity and productivity. You can enhance relationships and gain insight into your well-being. In fact, if you learn to program your dreams correctly, you may be able to experience the ultimate whole body experience, and travel back-or forward-into time.

Complete with dozens of dream-related exercises and journal entries, The Everything Dreams Book will enable you to fulfill the potential that is locked within your personal world of dreams.

Reviews: SpAzZy-KiNz (USA) (2007/04/19):
When you dream, your unconscious mind is sending discreet messages that hold the keys to your personal hapiness. You can use dreams as tools for better understanding yourself, solving problems, or even increasing creativity and productivity. You can enhance relationships and gain insight into your well-being. In fact, if you learn to program your dreams correctly, you may be able to experience the ultimate whole body experience, and trave back-or forward-into time.

-Explains in detail how to incubate dreams
-guides you in how to recall your dreams
-provides info to interpret your dreams
-features complete glossary with hundreds of common dream topics and themes
-includes dozens of dream-related exercises and journal entries
-and much more!

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