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Karen Anderson : Cats Have No Masters...Just Friends: An Investigation into the Feline Mind

Author: Karen Anderson
Title: Cats Have No Masters...Just Friends: An Investigation into the Feline Mind
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Date: 1998-04-01
ISBN: 1572231351
Publisher: Willow Creek Press
Weight: 1.3 pounds
Size: 10.11 x 0.53 x 8.09 inches
Previous givers: 3 Debbie (USA: IL), StingRae (USA: FL), Diane (USA: VT)
Previous moochers: 3 Raphael (USA: DC), rbtwinky (USA: CO), GhostMuffin (USA: NY)
1samanthanbr (USA: MO).
Description: Product Description
Often misunderstood and sometimes misjudged, cats remain the most mysterious of our domesticated companions. Yet with a little patience and a lot of love, cats will enter your hearts on soft paws and remain there with an infinite amount of devotion. Author Karen Anderson explores some of the mistakes cat owners may unknowingly make while raising their feline friends. She also tells how to correct undesirable behaviors while at the same time forging a bond of trust and affection that will remain throughout your lives together. In an original format, the text is segmented into vignettes of behavioral descriptions and methods for interacting more rewardingly with your cat, each with an accompanying photograph. Page after page of insightful text and colorful photographs capture these wonderful animals in both their daily routines and frisky, playful behaviors - in short, doing what makes a cat a cat. A must-read for cat lovers everywhere, this book will change the way you look at our furry friends.
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