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Walter Moers : The City of Dreaming Books

Author: Walter Moers
Title: The City of Dreaming Books
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 464
Date: 2007-09-06
ISBN: 1585678996
Publisher: Overlook Hardcover
Weight: 1.6 pounds
Size: 6.3 x 1.26 x 8.86 inches
Previous givers: 2 mallory (USA: MO), Betsy-roo (USA: CO)
Previous moochers: 2 Kevin (USA: MI), tcorbit1 (USA: GA)
Description: Product Description
The publication in 2005 of Walter Moers's The 13 ½ Lives of Captain Bluebear was an event--the hilarious epic fantasy garnered grand reviews and surprising sales, which continue to grow. In this new Zamonian adventure, Optimus Yarnspinner, a young writer, inherits from his beloved godfather an unpublished short story by an unknown author. His search for the author's identity takes him to Bookholm--the so-called City of Dreaming Books. On entering its streets, our hero feels as if he has opened the door of a gigantic second-hand bookshop. His nostrils are assailed by clouds of book dust, the stimulating scent of ancient leather, and the tang of printer's ink.

Soon, though, Yarnspinner falls into the clutches of the city's evil genius, Pfistomel Smyke, who treacherously maroons him in the labyrinthine catacombs underneath the city, where reading books can be genuinely dangerous.

In The City of Dreaming Books, Walter Moers transports us to a magical world where reading is a remarkable adventure. Only those intrepid souls who are prepared to join Yarnspinner on his perilous journey should read this book. We wish the rest of you a long, safe, unutterably dull and boring life!

Reviews: Confuzzled Shannon (USA: PA) (2014/02/21):
A strange book with stranger creatures. There are lizards, cyclopes, living books, and some things I can not even describe. Optimus Yanspinner goes on an adventure looking for the author of the best written story ever. Optimus almost dies many times as he gets lost in the catacombs of Bookholm..

I did not get into the book until I was half way through. The book became fun once the Booklings came along. This a uniquely strange and delirious book. I find it really hard to described because is like nothing I can remember. I figure how can you go wrong with a book about books and a world that loves books.

The biggest reason I had a hard time getting into the book until the middle was because all the strange names and strange descriptions. I also felt that there were times the description was like watching a movie with too much going on at once and not really knowing what was going on. I reread some scenes over and over.

A world of book lovers and writers who write books that become magically dangerous and some that are just normal readable books. How can you not love a world like that if you are avid reader. The book is very different. Am I glad I read it? Yeah I guess I am. It really for someone with an wide open imagination.

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