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Laurell K. Hamilton : Danse Macabre (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter)

Author: Laurell K. Hamilton
Title: Danse Macabre (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter)
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Published in: English
Binding: Audio CD
Date: 2006-06-27
ISBN: 1596008687
Publisher: Brilliance Audio on CD Unabridged
Weight: 0.8 pounds
Size: 1.31 x x 1.5 centimeters
Edition: Unabridged
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Previous givers: 2 KathyB (USA: TX), Fishinteacher (USA: TX)
Previous moochers: 2 Amberkatze (Austria), Jennifer Ross (USA: WA)
Description: Product Description
It was the middle of November. I was supposed to be out jogging, but instead I was sitting at my breakfast table talking about men, sex, werewolves, vampires, and that thing that most unmarried but sexually active women fear most... Anita Blake needs to be concentrating on a dangerous situation: The ardeur, the sexual power that flows between Anita and Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City, and Richard, the volatile werewolf who loves her passionately, is reaching new levels, perhaps evolving into something altogether new. The ardeur seems to be choosing new lovers for Anita, acting with a will of its own. As Jean-Claude says, the ardeur is hunting powerful prey. The unexpected effect of this is that Jean-Claude’s own power as a master vampire has grown to new levels - and Richard, never predictable, is changing, too. But as the days pass, Anita’s less interested in vampire politics than in an ancient, ordinary dread she shares with women down the ages: She may be pregnant. And, if she is, whether the father is a vampire, a werewolf, or someone else entirely, she knows perfectly well that being a Federal Marshal known for raising the dead and executing vampires is no way to bring up a baby…
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