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Randi Berger : My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict

Author: Randi Berger
Title: My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 232
Date: 2008-08-09
ISBN: 1887542523
Publisher: Recycled Pets Rescue
Weight: 0.7 pounds
Size: 6.0 x 8.8 x 0.6 inches
Edition: 2nd
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Previous givers: 1 TeamOg (USA: NJ)
Previous moochers: 1 KnitNut (USA: SC)
Description: Product Description
Whirlwind of a woman, Randi Berger wraps you in tales of her dog rescues -- more than ten thousand over the past twenty two years -- in her new, revised, and expanded, My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict. A nationally recognized pioneer in the pet rescue movement, Berger takes you from first pet to longest lived twenty-one-year-old dog-of-nine-lives as she magically matches unwanted dogs with the perfect, loving new owners. Along the way, she treats you to laughter, tears, and spiritual insights. Experience the astonishing synchronicities and miracles that gave Ms. Berger her faith. You, too, will see how: Every detour from what we think is right holds a message somewhere for us that everything is in Divine Right Order. The mesmerizing stories held within the pages of My Recycled Pets will forever change your belief system about what is possible for us on Earth. Recognized by Writer's Digest with an Inspirational Award, My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict proves what one determined person can accomplish and what power lies within each of us. Please visit the site for more information or to have your entire book purchase benefit the 501(C)3 all-volunteer charity.
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