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Product Description
Danny Gans poured his energy intoeverything he loved, from his family tohis faith, from baseball to his career inentertainment. When it came time todocument his life story, he poured hisenergy into this project as well.Sadly, one day after this manuscriptwas completed, Danny died. His inspiringstory remains, offering a compelling mixof touching tales and life lessons. Fromthe baseball diamonds of his youth to hissold-out stardom on the Las Vegas Strip,Danny charts the struggles and successesof his life. Along the way, he tells us ofthe heartwarming courtship of his wife,Julie, and his close relationships with hisfather and mother. An uncommon giftas an impressionist lifted "The Man ofMany Voices" to the pinnacle of the LasVegas entertainment industry, where hewill be long remembered as a much-lovedperformer and a generous man. Here isthe story of Danny Gans, told in his ownvoice, and from his own heart.