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BMJournalers & LJCrowe aka Joy Found : BMJournal: 101 Ways To Simplify Your Life Altered Book

Author: BMJournalers & LJCrowe aka Joy Found
Title: BMJournal: 101 Ways To Simplify Your Life Altered Book
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 110
Date: 2008-11
ISBN: BM122660289024285637
Publisher: Joy Found
Weight: 0.3125 pounds
Previous givers:
Previous moochers:
2Alicia (USA: GA), ljcrowefamily (USA: MI).
Description: 101 Ways To Simplify Your Life is a book just aching to be altered. Add your creative genius to this BMJournal.

Some quick guiding lights:
1. When you are done, relist using this same Book Mooch BMJournal listing.
2. Do not alter other people's pages including the cover.
3. Absolutely have fun with this, use any media you like to alter the book.
4. Scan your entries and upload them to
5. Pop me an email through Book Mooch with your contact/mailing info. for a thank you surprise. Book Mooch id is: ljcrowefamily

When the book is full, or if you are otherwise confused about what to do with it after adding your entry, please return to:

Lauri Jean Crowe
5332 Cedar Lake Road
Howell, Michigan
Reviews: Alicia (USA: GA) (2008/12/28):
Get more information, including images of the journals, at the BookMooch Journals site. Go directly to this journal’s entry here.

Debi (USA: UT) (2009/01/08):
This journal really makes you think!

tennantfamily (United Kingdom) (2011/01/12):
This is an altered book full of biblical references.

bmjstates (USA: VA) (2012/06/24):

bmjstates (USA: VA) (2014/03/30):
This is a BMJournal not a regular book. You should be a friend of the BM Library bmjl if you wish to join the project. (type bmjl into the friend request block) Journals are not yours to keep. You mooch it, make an entry within two weeks of receiving it and relist it by the same number. Before sending it on make sure the person requesting is also a friend of bmjl by checking their friend list.