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Messages: Craft Books and Magazines

Looking for Quilt Patterns

I'm looking for the Flutterby Quilt pattern found in "Quilt-it today Issue 5"
And the Fun Factor quilt found in "Sew-It Today Issue 1"

If anyone has these I could mooch, or even get the single patterns from you, I would appreciate it :)

10 years ago
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craft supplies to trade for books or magazines

I have 8x10 wood frames and cut mats (8x10 and 5x7) that I would love to trade for craft books and magazines......scrapbooking magazines and wildlife magazines........also might take eyes on nature kids books or other kids books with great wildlife pictures........what do you have? If you want frames or mats, let me know and I will take a look at your inventory.....maybe you have something I might want.

13 years ago

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(13 years ago)Kay, the calendars are beautiful. One of them even came from NH...It made its way back. thanks so much ...
(13 years ago)Sounds like I will love them. What shall I mail you? I will be away for a week so it won't be until next week. Leaving today. Do you want frames and mats or is there a book or magazine you would like on my inventory? Let me know. I will be in touch later. thanks so much.
(13 years ago)You are going to LOVE the wildlife calendar--Wolf, elk, eagle and even a duck!!! i am including one of Birds and one of Hummingbirds. All of these came to us free because we donate to the various wildlife funds. Question: since these are not actually "books" do I have to list on Bookmooch ??? Happy New YearI just want you to have these because I admire your enthusiasm. "when" I learn to download pictures to my computer, I will take pictures of my buttons. Maybe I could donate some my extras to do some crafts. Happy New Year Kay
(13 years ago)wildlife calendars would be great. I love wildflower books, field guides, and magazines.....even old calendars, as I really just like the pictures....especially fond of loons...ducks...
(13 years ago)Hi from Napa, CA Could you clarify the type of "stuff" you want. I never did crafts except for buttons.Wild life pictures --I received 2 calendars with beautiful wildlife pictures--I could send them. Got to go an and errand now, will contact you later. Kay
looking for craft books and magazines & have some to offer

I am looking to smooch craft magazines and craft books. What do you have? I have the following listed:

Stenciling Made Easy

American Style Magazine: will ship all 7 for 4 points or pick 3/2 points
December 2007
December 2008
August 2007
August 2008
Fall 2003
Fall 2002
Winter 2001-2002

mooch them all and I will smooch back.....
if you don't have the points, mooch and email with the free ones.

if you want to see the subjects in these magazines, check my inventory.
many other magazines are listed.

I am looking for scrapbooking magazines............
thanks and keep mooching......

13 years ago
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