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Lee P. (USA: IL) : friends

Friends of: Lee P. (USA: IL)

Ann Babcock (USA: WA)

Octoberwoman (USA: OK)

Dawn Newton (USA: NY)

Charlotte (USA)

Leanne (USA: FL)

Linda (USA: IA)

Jessica (USA: NY)

sandy (USA: NY)

Diana (USA: IA)

What this person's friends have to say about 'Lee P. (USA: IL)':

Linda (USA: IA): "will be fun to get to know her"
sandy (USA: NY): "Hi.. Did you get my Card? I Loved Learning To Love By Debbie Macomber.. Been reading mysteries lately but really not enjoying the, like a good Romance. Ty again for the extra books.. "
Diana (USA: IA): "regency friend"