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lmn60 (Australia) : friends

Friends of: lmn60 (Australia)

AceofHearts (Canada)

Amberkatze (Austria)

BellaMack (Australia)

Breeze144 (United Kingdom)A bookcrossing/bookobsessed friend

camis (United Kingdom)

catsalive (Australia)A really generous bookcrossing type!

cheesygiraffe (USA: AL)A bookcrossing/bookobsessed friend.

CheriePie (USA: CA)

chronicbooker3 (Canada)A bookcrossing/bookobsessed friend!

Claudine Chionh (Australia)A bookcrossing meetup buddy

DrCris (Australia)Fellow bookcrosser and Melbournite!

Elsi (USA: TX)

freelunch (Australia)A very generous bookcrosser

gemmas (Australia)

giz-angel (United Kingdom)A bookcrossing/bookobsessed friend

Kiri (USA: CA)

Leeny (Australia)One of my bookcrossing 'good buddies' and fellow convention planning madwoman!

MarleneNL (Netherlands)

crimson-tide (Australia)A generous bookcrosser and a lovely person!

Schwan (Germany)

shaunesay (USA: KS)

SKingList (USA: NY)A generous bookcrosser/bookobsesser!

Sunlightbub (United Kingdom)

talisa (Israel)

teachie (United Kingdom)

tinuviel (Australia)

Woosang (Australia)A bookcrossing friend and fellow conventioneer fun-person!

wss4 (USA: FL)A bookcrossing/bookobsessed friend

xeyra (Portugal)

zzz (Serbia)A bookcrossing/bookobsessed friend

What this person's friends have to say about 'lmn60 (Australia)':

catsalive (Australia): "I now have a face for the name. Tough but fair, miss! LOL!"
Leeny (Australia): "She's a mad woman, but that's what we love about her! :)"
MarleneNL (Netherlands): "Funny Australian. She makes me laugh. "