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jpri (USA: CA) : inventory

Author Title 
The Internet - A Kid's Handbook
The Redemption of Deke Summers
Marcie AndersonYou're Really a Model Now!
Jack BennettThe Voyage of the Lucky Dragon
Harcourt BraceLib: Earthquake San Fran1906 Calif Hbss
BurgessAerie Advent Chat Red Squirrel: Defiant-Cn16dp
BurgessAerie Advent Prickly Porky: Defiant-Cn16dp
Kathy BurkettMucus Attack! (Mad Science)
Betsy ByarsThe Summer of the Swans
Roger CanfieldChina Doll - Clinton, Gore and the Selling of the U.S. Presidency
Robert CoramAmerica's Heros (Narcs)
Patricia CornwellAt Risk
CovilleHow I Survived My Summer Vacation Rack
Michele Ingber DrohanWhen Is It Great to Turn Green? (An Environment Q&A Book)
Daniel EastermanNight of the Seventh Darkness
Marty M. EngleFly the Unfriendly Skies (Strange Matter, No 7)
Sandra FieldThe Tycoon's Virgin Bride: Millionaire Marriages (Presents)
Christine FlynnHannah And The Hellion (Special Edition , No 1184)
Richard ForsytheKota
Patricia HaganStarlight (Monogram)