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Pending transactions: Susanne (Denmark)

Books to send

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Book title:Getting to Know the General : The Story of an Involvement
Book author:Graham Greene
Condition:Paperback. The cover is different. There's no picture, it's a beige-yellowish colour all over and the author and title are written in large letters in green all over the front cover. On the back cover there's a small hardly noticable 1 cm. tear and a couple of small stains. Minor shelfware. Never been read. Update fall 2015: For the time being, I need to have a restriction on mooches: I CAN ONLY SEND WITHIN EUROPE and I have to ask that you mooch 2 books at a time. Thanks!
Date requested:October 13, 2015 / 10:45 AM
Points from moocher:3
Points to giver:3
Chris Perrott (Sverige)
Comment:Hej Susanne! Just nu är jag inte hemma. Jag jobbar i Klaipeda tills början av november. Kan du vänta ett par veckor innan du skickar tack?

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