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Points analysis

Name: Tamara (Italia)
User ID: bibiz
Points: 7.1

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
8.1 -1 7.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 8834426762 Lorenzo (Italy) 2024/05/20
7.1 +1 8.1 gave points for mooch request 8834426762 Lorenzo (Italy) 2024/05/08
8.1 -1 7.1 deducted points for mooch request B00NFXG4Y0 Anankoid (Italia) 2021/10/12
7.1 +1 8.1 mooch rejected by book owner B079PF13PC Juliette (Italy) 2021/09/28
8.1 -1 7.1 deducted points for mooch request 9788809190245 sabrina (Italia) 2021/09/26
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 887684757X Juliette (Italy) 2021/09/26
10.1 -1 9.1 deducted points for mooch request B079PF13PC Juliette (Italy) 2021/09/26
9.1 +1 10.1 gave points for mooch request 888591733X Alfonso (Italia) 2021/09/25
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory 888591733X Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 8834426762 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9 -0.1 8.9 removed book from inventory BM134688008923736795 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.1 -0.1 9 removed book from inventory BM1346880190259545108 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.2 -0.1 9.1 removed book from inventory BM1346880261439823463 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.3 -0.1 9.2 removed book from inventory 8804425962 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.4 -0.1 9.3 removed book from inventory BM1298908470654282114 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.5 -0.1 9.4 removed book from inventory BM1369097394432355722 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.6 -0.1 9.5 removed book from inventory BM1251235767141291422 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
9.7 -0.1 9.6 removed book from inventory 8879340743 Tamara (Italia) 2021/09/22
10.7 -1 9.7 mooch rejected by book owner 8804421908 afirry (Belgium) 2021/05/20
10.8 -0.1 10.7 removing book from inventory 8804421908 Tamara (Italia) 2021/05/20
9.8 +1 10.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804445211 GiraSole25 (Italia) 2021/05/20
8.8 +1 9.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 8811684072 Alicecarroll08 (Italia) 2021/05/20
7.8 +1 8.8 gave points for mooch request 8804421908 afirry (Belgium) 2021/05/03
8.8 -1 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 8804445211 GiraSole25 (Italia) 2020/12/01
9.8 -1 8.8 deducted points for mooch request 8811684072 Alicecarroll08 (Italia) 2020/12/01
8.8 +1 9.8 gave points for mooch request 9788862560276 Dinardo Luigi (Italia) 2020/12/01
9.8 -1 8.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 9788862560276 TOMMASINA (Italy) 2020/11/30
8.8 +1 9.8 gave points for mooch request 9788862560276 TOMMASINA (Italy) 2020/11/18
7.8 +1 8.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 8897349196 Rita Zanelli (Italia) 2020/11/05
6.8 +1 7.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 8897349129 Rita Zanelli (Italia) 2020/11/05
5.8 +1 6.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 889734903X Rita Zanelli (Italia) 2020/11/05
6.8 -1 5.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 9788862560276 Caterina (Italia) 2020/11/04
5.8 +1 6.8 gave points for mooch request 9788862560276 Caterina (Italia) 2020/11/01
6.8 -1 5.8 deducted points for mooch request 8897349196 Rita Zanelli (Italia) 2020/09/17
7.8 -1 6.8 deducted points for mooch request 8897349129 Rita Zanelli (Italia) 2020/09/17
8.8 -1 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 889734903X Rita Zanelli (Italia) 2020/09/17
8.7 +0.1 8.8 added book to inventory 9788862560276 Tamara (Italia) 2020/09/17
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 8804421908 Tamara (Italia) 2020/09/17
8.7 -0.1 8.6 removed book from inventory 8804421681 Tamara (Italia) 2020/09/17
9.7 -1 8.7 deducted points for mooch request 886380799X elisavangelisti (Italia) 2020/03/21
9.8 -0.1 9.7 removed book from inventory 9788845260377 Tamara (Italia) 2019/11/21
9.9 -0.1 9.8 removed book from inventory 8809210891 Tamara (Italia) 2019/11/12
10 -0.1 9.9 removed book from inventory BM1346880550127640064 Tamara (Italia) 2019/11/12
10.1 -0.1 10 removed book from inventory B007L7DB9M Tamara (Italia) 2019/11/12
9.1 +1 10.1 gave points for mooch request 8804426071 Gwen1984reader (Italia) 2019/11/11
8.1 +1 9.1 gave points for mooch request 8804425911 Gwen1984reader (Italia) 2019/11/11
8 +0.1 8.1 added book to inventory 8811599237 Tamara (Italia) 2019/10/03
8.1 -0.1 8 removed book from inventory BM1410207737222889431 Tamara (Italia) 2019/10/03
8.2 -0.1 8.1 removed book from inventory BM1374682444497028182 Tamara (Italia) 2019/10/03
8.3 -0.1 8.2 removed book from inventory BM1374682484801620683 Tamara (Italia) 2019/10/03