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Points analysis

Name: Cristina (Portugal)
User ID: tarrias
Points: 36.7

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
33.7 +3 36.7 lost in the mail says book owner B00EX93RDG Bex (Switzerland) 2024/08/01
33.6 +0.1 33.7 added book to inventory 2080679775 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/09
33.5 +0.1 33.6 added book to inventory 3608947639 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/09
36.5 -3 33.5 deducted points for mooch request B00EX93RDG Bex (Switzerland) 2023/12/05
36.4 +0.1 36.5 added book to inventory 0253208521 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
36.5 -0.1 36.4 removed book from inventory 2253157112 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
36.6 -0.1 36.5 removed book from inventory 0521459680 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
36.7 -0.1 36.6 removed book from inventory B00ABNHKUE Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
36.8 -0.1 36.7 removed book from inventory 2266216694 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
36.9 -0.1 36.8 removed book from inventory 2759006824 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
37 -0.1 36.9 removed book from inventory 052145803X Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
37.1 -0.1 37 removed book from inventory 2858153515 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
37.2 -0.1 37.1 removed book from inventory 190381667X Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
37.3 -0.1 37.2 removed book from inventory 2266004026 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
37.4 -0.1 37.3 removed book from inventory 2266003968 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
37.5 -0.1 37.4 removed book from inventory 8428201595 Cristina (Portugal) 2023/12/05
40.5 -3 37.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 2266004026 Denotany (Australia) 2021/04/14
37.5 +3 40.5 gave points for mooch request 2266004026 Denotany (Australia) 2021/04/10
37.6 -0.1 37.5 removed book from inventory 1594514275 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/26
37.7 -0.1 37.6 removed book from inventory 0140298258 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/26
37.8 -0.1 37.7 removed book from inventory 0340652403 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/26
37.9 -0.1 37.8 removed book from inventory 1405170492 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/26
38 -0.1 37.9 removed book from inventory 0571179576 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/26
38.1 -0.1 38 removed book from inventory 2213619018 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/26
38.2 -0.1 38.1 removed book from inventory 2258059666 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/20
38.3 -0.1 38.2 removed book from inventory 2070720500 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/10/20
38.4 -0.1 38.3 removed book from inventory 3608947639 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/09/27
38.5 -0.1 38.4 removed book from inventory 8420658146 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/09/11
38.6 -0.1 38.5 removed book from inventory 0198711123 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/09/11
38.5 +0.1 38.6 added book to inventory 0571179576 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/09/07
38.4 +0.1 38.5 added book to inventory 8420658146 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/20
38.3 +0.1 38.4 added book to inventory 0198711123 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/20
38.2 +0.1 38.3 added book to inventory 0521459680 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/20
38.1 +0.1 38.2 added book to inventory 052145803X Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/20
38 +0.1 38.1 added book to inventory 0140298258 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/20
37.9 +0.1 38 added book to inventory 2759006824 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/20
37.8 +0.1 37.9 added book to inventory 3608947639 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/19
37.7 +0.1 37.8 added book to inventory 0340652403 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/19
34.7 +3 37.7 gave points for mooch request 0853158266 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2019/08/16
31.7 +3 34.7 gave points for mooch request 0415124700 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2019/08/16
28.7 +3 31.7 gave points for mooch request 0708317847 Donna (USA) 2019/08/15
28.6 +0.1 28.7 added book to inventory 0853158266 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/15
28.5 +0.1 28.6 added book to inventory 0415124700 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/15
28.4 +0.1 28.5 added book to inventory 1594514275 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/15
28.3 +0.1 28.4 added book to inventory 0708317847 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/15
28.2 +0.1 28.3 added book to inventory 1405170492 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/15
25.2 +3 28.2 gave points for mooch request 0761959238 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2019/08/12
22.2 +3 25.2 gave points for mooch request 2266215655 Natacha (France) 2019/08/10
19.2 +3 22.2 gave points for mooch request 0375709363 David Dickason (USA: KY) 2019/08/10
19.1 +0.1 19.2 added book to inventory 2858153515 Cristina (Portugal) 2019/08/10