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Points analysis

Name: Eyvonne (USA)
User ID: texrnr
Points: 31.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
32.3 -1 31.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 1594837929 galxedustr (USA: NY) 2021/02/11
31.3 +1 32.3 gave points for mooch request 1594837929 galxedustr (USA: NY) 2021/01/25
30.3 +1 31.3 gave points for mooch request 0446407410 chelle (USA) 2017/01/15
31.3 -1 30.3 deducted points for mooch request 0061369276 Becca Howell (USA: IA) 2016/12/26
31.2 +0.1 31.3 added book to inventory 142720828X Eyvonne (USA) 2016/12/26
31.1 +0.1 31.2 added book to inventory 1594837929 Eyvonne (USA) 2016/12/26
31 +0.1 31.1 added book to inventory 0446407410 Eyvonne (USA) 2016/12/26
32 -1 31 deducted points for mooch request 145550890X Katya (USA: CA) 2016/12/26
33 -1 32 deducted points for mooch request 0515136182 Sandra Faherty (USA: FL) 2014/08/07
34 -1 33 deducted points for mooch request 1439157820 Terry Torgenrud (USA: WA) 2014/05/02
35 -1 34 deducted points for mooch request 1402210876 Allie G. (USA: SC) 2013/01/07
34 +1 35 gave points for mooch request 073940640X Faye (USA: MN) 2012/10/08
33 +1 34 gave points for mooch request 0446578754 katrina (USA: NJ) 2012/07/30
32 +1 33 gave points for mooch request 0373896034 Jamie Irving (USA: ME) 2012/07/19
33 -1 32 deducted points for mooch request 0312331924 megan (USA: IL) 2012/06/21
32 +1 33 gave points for mooch request 0452286913 Kathy (USA: MI) 2012/05/20
31 +1 32 gave points for mooch request 0451224914 Kathy (USA: MI) 2012/05/20
30.9 +0.1 31 added book to inventory 0446578754 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/05/20
30.8 +0.1 30.9 added book to inventory 0452286913 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/05/20
30.7 +0.1 30.8 added book to inventory 0451224914 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/05/20
29.7 +1 30.7 gave points for mooch request 0451215729 BigNick (USA: AZ) 2012/03/11
30.7 -1 29.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0451229215 Karessa (USA: NC) 2012/02/15
30.8 -0.1 30.7 removing book from inventory 0451229215 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/15
29.8 +1 30.8 gave points for mooch request 0743572718 Alison (USA: NJ) 2012/02/12
28.8 +1 29.8 gave points for mooch request 1451627416 Cindy M (USA: ME) 2012/02/11
27.8 +1 28.8 gave points for mooch request 0451229215 Karessa (USA: NC) 2012/02/11
28.8 -1 27.8 deducted points for mooch request 0743566807 Michelle (USA: MA) 2012/02/11
28.7 +0.1 28.8 added book to inventory 1451627416 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/11
28.6 +0.1 28.7 added book to inventory 0743572718 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/11
28.5 +0.1 28.6 added book to inventory 0451229215 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/11
27.5 +1 28.5 gave points for mooch request 0316154547 Sharon Texley (USA: IL) 2012/02/10
26.5 +1 27.5 gave points for mooch request 0312316119 rxlee (USA: OH) 2012/02/05
25.5 +1 26.5 gave points for mooch request 0743550145 rxlee (USA: OH) 2012/02/05
24.5 +1 25.5 gave points for mooch request 0739365754 Heidi (USA: AZ) 2012/02/04
23.5 +1 24.5 gave points for mooch request 0061624772 Joan M. (USA: MS) 2012/02/04
22.5 +1 23.5 gave points for mooch request 0743566912 tehanu (USA: CA) 2012/02/03
21.5 +1 22.5 gave points for mooch request 1597771007 tehanu (USA: CA) 2012/02/03
21.4 +0.1 21.5 added book to inventory 0316154547 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
21.3 +0.1 21.4 added book to inventory 0312316119 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
21.2 +0.1 21.3 added book to inventory 0373896034 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
21.1 +0.1 21.2 added book to inventory 073940640X Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
21 +0.1 21.1 added book to inventory 0743566912 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
20.9 +0.1 21 added book to inventory 0743550145 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
20.8 +0.1 20.9 added book to inventory 1597771007 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
20.7 +0.1 20.8 added book to inventory 0739365754 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
20.6 +0.1 20.7 added book to inventory 0061624772 Eyvonne (USA) 2012/02/03
21.6 -1 20.6 deducted points for mooch request 0671823493 Pete Zambito (USA: MO) 2012/01/28
20.6 +1 21.6 gave points for mooch request 0679001484 Larry Mayer (USA: KS) 2012/01/27
21.6 -1 20.6 deducted points for mooch request 1439160058 Stephanie (USA: UT) 2011/12/26
20.6 +1 21.6 mooch rejected by book owner 1423352408 Karen (USA: MO) 2011/11/22