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Smooches received

2009/11/25 Here is your second point for taking advantage of two of my two for one deals. Enjoy your books Nancy (USA: NY)
2009/11/25 here is one point back for the books you mooched from me Nancy (USA: NY)
2009/11/24 hahaha boxerlover (USA: MI)
2009/11/24 hehehehe boxerlover (USA: MI)
2009/11/24 For helping me with Shannon Drake! :) boxerlover (USA: MI)
2009/02/08 Janet (USA: MI)
2009/02/08 Janet (USA: MI)
2009/02/08 Janet (USA: MI)
2009/02/08 Janet (USA: MI)
2009/02/08 I'm leaving Mooch ... I just got flaked on again and a nasty email because a lady won't mark her dam book received ... I'll just buy us the books lol Janet (USA: MI)
2008/10/15 Thanks, for all the mooches. AC (USA: CA)