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Smooches received

2012/03/11 Are you still taking charitable donations for books? Nancy (USA: MI)
2010/04/11 Thanks for bringing the joy of reading to the patients. anonymous
2009/06/11 I thought I'd given you the full 28 points but it seems to have been 27, so here's the 28th! Enjoy the books! We did repair a couple that we thought would not stand up to hospital use as they were, scanned paper cover not attached to original, spot of glue on spine to reattach spine cover, glue to paper new scanned cover in one case. Gill tennantfamily (United Kingdom)
2009/03/31 I want to give you tow pints,so I guess I'll have to do this twice NinaBryna (Israel)
2009/03/09 Joya (USA: CA)
2009/03/02 anonymous
2008/02/12 Fifi (USA: CO)