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Smooches received

2024/12/07 Marie (USA: GA)
2023/10/22 Marie (USA: GA)
2020/03/15 Marie (USA: GA)
2019/06/17 Thanks for mooching two. loriped (USA: OR)
2018/07/30 merritt (USA: FL)
2018/01/18 thanks for sending to UK brownbear (United Kingdom)
2018/01/18 thanks for sending to UK brownbear (United Kingdom)
2016/12/30 I just found this book, still wrapped in it's package, in the back of the foyer closet! I have no idea why it was there or how it got there, but it was. One of several strange things around here lately....


feedtheneed2read (USA: NC)
2016/11/14 Smooching a point back - thanks for the mooches! Octoberwoman (USA: OK)
2016/07/20 Thanks for the order! merritt (USA: FL)
2016/07/08 Thanks for taking advantage of my Two for One deal. loriped (USA: OR)
2015/01/23 Here's a point back for taking 2 for 1 Tena (USA: MT)
2014/12/17 ...and here's your 2nd point back! Yvonne (USA: VA)
2014/12/17 Here's your 1st point back... Yvonne (USA: VA)
2014/09/16 ...and here's the 2nd point back! Yvonne (USA: VA)
2014/09/16 Here's the 1st point back... Yvonne (USA: VA)
2013/12/27 Happy Holidays! anonymous
2013/09/09 2 for 1 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)
2013/09/09 2 for 1 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)
2013/08/23 Thank you. 2 for 1 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)
2013/08/23 Thank you for taking advantage of my 2 for 1 offer. freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)
2013/06/08 Hi Kate,

As I told you when I couldn't send the book, I will send you another point.


djbooks (USA: PA)
2013/01/27 Here's your point back. Yvonne (USA: VA)
2013/01/11 2 for 1.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I am smooching a point to you even if you do not find another book you would like from my inventory. Thank you
freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)
2012/12/30 2 for 1 freakinfroggy24 (USA: WA)
2012/11/26 Sorry about the mix up, I heard the one that was sent was a good book Kristin (USA: OK)
2012/11/06 for the first screw up...so sorry.... let me know about the 4 for 1 or free two.... I hope you are keeping up w/ my spinning around! :) Faro (USA: IN)
2012/08/31 Refunding a point, thanks for mooching two books. Jennifer (USA: NY)
2012/08/19 Here's your point back as per my 2-for-1 on regular sized paperbacks! Yvonne (USA: VA)
2012/08/05 Thanks for mooching from me during my "Two for One Deal" loriped (USA: OR)
2012/01/09 Here's your smooch for your free book! Thanks so much!~! PattiM (USA: VA)