I'm just smooching you a replacement point for the case of the prank that stank. You requested that I reject it if it is a library book, but I don't want to add any rejections to my account as they say right on there "rejecting a book is bad" and many times people just see the # of rejections and don't follow through to see why. Thanks! Lynn
I apologize if mis-communication on the book. I knew we spoke about delay. I can't remember what I put for the condition. Weird it smells though since it was fairly new as far as I bought it for my daughter just a couple years ago for school and other than being in boxes in storage for two short months it has been in our house. :/ Anyway, I sent the smootch to repay for the book point and hope it is usable for what it is needed for at least. Thanks, Lisa
Thanks so much for being helpful with the Marsh books! I found one other on your inventory to mooch as well. I really appreciate your taking the time to do this. Gail