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Forum: Angel Network Discussion

Book Condition and Angel Mooches

Every so often I receive a book that I'm angeling for someone and its condition is poorer than I was led to expect. What do you do? So far, I've contacted the moocher and given them detailed condition notes and given them the option of not mooching if the copy is not what they want. So far, both moochers went ahead and mooched the books in question, but has this ever been a problem for someone?

14 hace años


I would rather not send a book as an angel request oversea if they won't appreciated it in the end. Both the mooching and then the sending cost money. I re-list it in its condition and then swallow the point. Angeling is done because it is appreciated, and nice to be appreciated. The only other reason I could think to do it, is to get your give/mooched ratio down. I do it for the appreciation and in case I ever need one myself. Like I said, if they aren't going to appreciate it, it is not their fault the lister didn't mark the condition well. What do you do when you receive a book in worse condition than you would like? I have stated it in feedback, and then swallowed the point, I haven't given negative yet just comments. Same difference if you are an Angel except you're the middle man. I guess if they were really nice they would give you the point back, maybe some would if you asked. I'd never ask.
Amy W
14 hace años

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