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Forum: Angel Network Discussion

Virtual Angels?

As the costs of mailing keep increasing, I am suggesting a variation of Angel Mooching which depends on the original book owner's co-operation.

The Angel sends the extra postage, customs labels etc to the person whose book is being mooched, along with the name and address of the final recipient, and the owner posts it direct to them. You leave your own address in the "Send to" field, so they get 'own country' points.

Of course you need to know the parcel weight to work out the postage to the recipient, and also what it would have cost for the postage to you, (you then pay the difference, or if you feel it's fairer maybe a little more because you will receive extra points - but don't forget to allow for the cost of sending the postage/ labels etc in your own country) and you need to be able to reconcile the book received reports.

How do you all feel about this? I've tried it once, and it all worked out well, but would like some feedback on the idea.

lin chiswell
14 hace años


Yes Karen, this is what I mean! Thanks for your comments.

I do keep a supply of UK stamps (which you can order online) because I live in Channel Islands, and we have different postal authorities here, so I try to send 'overseas' from England when my OH is passing through, as we don't have any Printed Paper rates.

It does seem a bit complicated, but I just thought it might be of interest to anyone who can be bothered; obviously it's up to the individual to do whatever they find easiest!

lin chiswell
14 hace años
Had an angeling done this way thanks to you and it worked great.

But I wonder about the extra possible problems. If the books get lost or actually never sent, or arrive in a state that is gross or otherwise blatantly untrue to listed condtions, the burden of the ensuing feedback falls on the angel. Even if it's not particularly nasty because the recipient knows someone else or a postal hiccup are probably to blame, non-positive ratings and lost books don't look too good.

14 hace años

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