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Forum: Angel Network Discussion

Mooching and angeling while traveling

John said: As to a new kind of angel system, I've also been thinking of a system where a potential angel can indicate "I'll send from here to here" and then they're automatically listed for potential angel mooches. What I want to leverage is people's not-quite-full luggage when they're flying places.

I've done this once before (not flying, but traveling by car to U.S.). I mailed some books to a couple of American mooching buddies as well as a package to a fellow Canadian from Bellingham WA. (a couple of great used book stores there). I am going to Seattle in March for a couple of days. I will be taking the train and my baggage allowance is plenty big enough to take some books, so I'll post a bunch of WL books at the beginning of March. Any books to U.S. or Canadian moochers will go with me to Seattle and get mailed from there. Any books to Europe or Australasia will be mailed from here (when I get back and have checked my credit card bill from my trip!). I have a Canadian mooching friend who frequently crosses the border on business and mails to Americans or fellow Canadians from there. John's idea of indicating a willingness to do this is a nice idea, especially for Americans traveling abroad. It wouldn't make much sense for me to advertise my willingness to angel mooch because any books my fellow Canadians aren't willing to mail internationally they will be even less likely to mail to me out here on the edge of Canada.

I remember when we had the original discussion that lead to the creation of the angel network in the old forum. I hope some ideas are generated in this discussion that lead to some revitalizing of Bookmooch. Given the economy, the rising of both postal rates and mooching rates, I know that mooching will be slowing down or stopping for many Canadians this spring.

14 hace años


Vielen Dank für Ihre Geschichte, ich habe die Post mehr als einmal bei der Bestellung von Waren auf der Website verwendet, keine Probleme. Aber ich wählte nur einen Weg für die Freisprechung von Waren für Autos, vielleicht hat es mir geholfen!
http://riewes.de/ Die besten Produkte für Ihr Auto
2 hace años

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