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Forum: Audio Books

Audio Book formats and type

Does anyone know if there's a way to easily determine whether an audio is unabridged or chopped? I hate abridged so avoid it like the plague. In future as I add titles form my personal collection I'll be putting unabridged in the listing.

14 hace años


If an audio book is abridged, the original package usually says so, if unabridged, you can usually find that information on the package as well. On those that don't say, I consider them to be abridged... but whether that's the actual truth or not, I can't say. Publishers really SHOULD be proud to acknowledge that they are putting out the full, unabridged version in audio format where they are telling the truth... and be required to state that the product is the abridged version in such cases where that's true.

On one audio book I recently gave to someone via Paperback Swap, the only notice of abridgement on the package was a small statement at the end of the synopsis stating the author had approved that abridgement. You would need to read everything on the box to spot that... :( so no, on a lot of audio books, there is no easy way to tell which version you've got.

Joan M.
14 hace años
I always check Amazon if the listing doesn't say and then I ask the owner, too.
14 hace años
I usually double check on Amazon as well. I've noticed that for Unabridged books they seem to put that in big letters. But they don't always advertise that it's abridged and it's just noted in tiny letters on teh back somewhere: abridgement by so and so.

How many pts are audiobooks on bookmooch? I've always sent mine out through paperbackswap because they're 2 credits there.

14 hace años
One point but it's a pretty small fraction of the traffic here.
14 hace años
Do audio books take more than one or two credits due to the amount of CDs in the box?
14 hace años
No; all books are the same unless on special offer for reduced points. It isn't allowed to ask for more than the standard 1 or 2 points.

Do you have some spare audio books around I might mooch?

14 hace años
OK, please excuse this 'stupid' question. I did not know I could BM audio books. How do I locate them?
14 hace años
Not a stupid question at all. Here's how I do it.

Go to Advanced Search
In Search For These Words, type Audio
Words appear in: select Publisher

Fill out the other fields as you like, but make sure you select more than the default 50 listings per page; otherwise the search doesn't always work correctly.

Run a second search the same way, but with Books on Tape in the Search field.

There! I've given away my secret.

14 hace años
Would they have a different UPC # for abridged and unabridged?
14 hace años
A lot of times they say in the listing or under Topic. If they don't, I go to Amazon. If that doesn't tell me, I write the owner and ask them to look on the box. I am willing to go to any amount of trouble to avoid abridged books. :-)

Also, I have just noticed that there is a Topic entitled Books on Cassettes. Now that my cassette player no longer works, I need a Topic entitled Books on CD.

14 hace años
What's a UPC#?
14 hace años
UPC = bar code
14 hace años
Thanks for the explanation.
14 hace años
Margot, you're an angel. I have searched and searched for audio books on BM for my blind father with limited success -- and even requested help from BM == and they never gave me this simple tip.
14 hace años
I hope you find lots. Cassettes are plentiful.
14 hace años
I'm looking for books on CD for my mother. Has anyone come up with a good way to search for these? I feel like I'm trying to find a needle in a haystack...

If there's some on your shelf, let me know. She'll listen to anything, and I've got a ton of credits to spend.

14 hace años
Look in my inventory. I have a bunch and I try to make sure somewhere they're labeled as audio.
14 hace años
Tapes are still fine. Many of us still have drives in our cars.
14 hace años
I prefer tapes as you can just start again from where you stopped. With CDs you have to try to get back to the right place, which is difficult
14 hace años
I have a couple of audio (CD and cassettes) that I am willing to part with. I have not listed them cause I didn't think they were swappable in BM.
13 hace años
They are. Just make sure somewhere in the title or description they're listed as CD or Cassette.
13 hace años

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