Enter for a chance to win 10 points plus 5 points for your favourite BM charity!
To enter the contest, all you have to do is write a limerick, but you do have to post it here on the forum. You've got a week to compose your masterpiece. When it's no longer June 19, 2010 anywhere on earth, I'll toss the names of all entrants in a hat and pick a lucky winner to whom I will charity 10 points. Include the name of your favourite BM Charity and I'll donate 5 points to the winner's charity. Good luck! Never again, said John Buckman This forum work really does suck, man It’s never quite right There’s no end in sight Please bring me more coffee starbuck, man.
Lola Soleil
14 hace años
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OK, Lola...I've got two limericks here...the first is just a electronic salute out to all the angels who helped, are helping or tried to help me out over the last 8 months...if I left anyone out, I humbly apologize and beg your forgiveness (the multiple hyphens are to help distinguish between lines in the default comment format): ---1--- Melinda, Joel, Angie, Gio, Cara, ---2--- Peter, Christina, Hope, Sarah, ---3--- Nikki, Rebecca, ---4--- Kathy, Dov, Peta, ---5--- Minerva and Martha Azara. OK, now for my actual entry: ---1--- Gaiman's books never stick 'roun', ---2--- Classics are gone 'fore they're foun', ---3--- Romances pile thickly, ---4--- While Discworld goes quickly, ---5--- Good luck getting rid of Dan Brown. My chosen charity (if I am fortunate enough to get my name drawn) is operationpaperback . Thanks for running the contest...What a fun idea!
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If you find that your bookshelves are bare I can offer a cure for despair Join the Bookmooch site As It's sure to delight When new books arrive from everywhereI don't have a favourite charity, so if I'm lucky enough to win then please choose any charity. Rob
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What a fun idea! I'm rather new to the forums, but couldn't resist this. My entry is a double limerick: ~ There once was a great kangaroo ~ who felt most exceedingly blue ~ the book he lived in ~ had been put in the bin ~ because it was no longer new. ~~ ~ In another book lived a baboon ~ who was singing a happier tune ~ when his book had grown old ~ Bookmooch members were told ~ and he would be read again soon. ~ I had forgotten how much fun it can be to string words together. Nowadays most of the writing I do is for work (scientific articles) and doesn't exactly stimulate my imagination. So thanks for that! I don't have a favorite charity either. They all seem like good causes, so you may choose one at random. That is of course if I should be lucky enough to win. I'm crossing my fingers, because I'm in need of more points! Aline
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Very nice idea! Here is my effort: ~I requested a good book today ~But then they replied just to say, ~"I won't send to your nation" ~I felt such frustration ~But an angel then sent it my way (Yay!) If I'm lucky enough to win, my charity of choice is Chrysalis School (Madagascar). Good luck to everyone in the big contest. I've enjoyed reading your submissions.
My charity is Quinlan Library (USA: TX): I have got shelves of books== And can not even stomach to look == I was told of this land== And thought it was grand== Tradin’ gets me off the book hook==
You are all such great poets. I'm very impressed! Here's mine: There once was a moocher named Joan She had too many books in her home Then one day She gave them away On a wonderful site called Bookmooch My charity would be the Prison Book Program, user id prisonbook
I am fairly new here but I'll give it a go. Joined bookmooch one day for fun, No sooner than I had begun, Stayed inside all day, Just reading away, Probably never again see the sun. My charity of choice would be: Books 4 Kids And Their Providers Project user id: bks4kidsandtheirprovidersproject
I already entered, so this one is just for fun: - Eureka! A book I've been wanting! - Rats! Lack of points is me taunting! - I know! List some books! - (To my shelves for a look) - But now, my send list is daunting!
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My charity would be bio:comics4kids Other charities have hundreds of points, and this one only ten. They're always very low on points.* My shelves are groaning from their load, * It won't be long till they explode... * But I must get just one more book, * There's still somewhere a vacant nook. * I know! I'll list 'Da Vinci Code'!
Thanks Lola! I'm brand new to the forums, but your contest sounded like such fun! I don't have a favorite charity, but if I'm lucky enough to win please pick one that another entrant listed. Here goes: ~ I've kept more than 500 romance books ~ They fill the house - all the crannies and nooks ~ I like their bright covers ~ of half-naked lovers ~ And I've only mooched two drawn by schnooks ~ But my favorite is one that I (sadly) don't own ~ A maiden whose long red tresses are blown ~ Holds the hand of a knight ~ she most surely gave fright ~ As her three hands are quite clearly shown ~ If I could find that book in some lucky mooch ~ I'd jump up and down and give out a smooch ~ The lady with three arms ~ and her dubious charms ~ Makes me giggle a little; I love BookMooch!
Here's my entry:
Happily surrounded by books Piled high in all crannies and nooks Though Martha might wail And Hoarders might rail I could care less how messy it looks.
My Charity: Comics 2 Kids!
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