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Forum: BookMooch Contests

Win a free book!

Enter to win one of the following books:
Jose Saramago : Blindness (Harvest Book) (sticker residue on front cover)
Cormac McCarthy : The Road (Oprah's Book Club)
Michael Pollan : The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
Stephen Chbosky : The Perks of Being a Wallflower (deep fold-crease on front cover, remainer mark on bottom edge)
All are used books with minor spine/cover creasing and edge wear.
Worldwide entries welcome!

2-step entry process:
1. Smooch a point to BM Charity herculesinvictus Hercules Invictus
2. Write a comment here to confirm you’ve completed Step 1.
Enter as often as you like: one smooch = one entry

Contest ends January 7, 2011
When it's no longer January 7, 2011 anywhere on earth, I'll toss the names of all entrants in a hat and pick a winner who can then choose one of the four books listed above.

The small print:
Mooch ratio is important -- I will add the owner’s pick to my BM inventory for mooching and immediately smooch back your point(s).

Happy New Year everyone!

p.s. Hercules Invictus is MY charity of choice to benefit from this contest; they cannot answer questions about the contest. Any questions should be posted here or send me an email. Thanks!

Jenni Canuck
14 hace años


Oh, I think Hercules is fabulous anyway, so this sound good!!

and either the third or the fourth book is fine for me!!

14 hace años
Yep, it's a good cause, so I smooched! :)

I, too, would like Omnivore's Dilemmma.

Happy New Year!

14 hace años
I just smooched - have given points to Hercules Invictus in the past, so am glad to do so again.
14 hace años
14 hace años
Great idea! Have smooched. Will cross fingers for Omnivore's Dilemma.
Rebel Sun
14 hace años
Have smooched! Would love Omnivore's Dilemma. I would welcome any book that helps me not want McDonald's anymore. :)
14 hace años
Big fan of Hercules Invictus anyway - Smooched and resmooched!
14 hace años
A very good idea. I smooched Hercules :D
14 hace años
I couldn't find the smooch button (even though I've smooched people before) so I just did it as a "give to charity" to this group. Is that OK?

Like many others, my first choice is Omnivore's Dilemma!

Thanks for the contest!

Amy Sisson
14 hace años
It's time to pick a winner! There were 12 entries:

1. E Thayer

2. marmalade

3. Jenny

4. LauraTS

5. dichroic

6. Yvann

7. Rebel Sun

8. Belladonna1975

9. Donogh

10. Donogh

11. Quigui

12. Amy Sisson

I posted a message in a LibraryThing thread asking the next person posting to the thread to choose a number between 1 and 12:



Just in case I didn't paste those URLs correctly, the number chosen was seven.

Congratulations, RebelSun! You mentioned you wanted Michael Pollan : The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Please confirm and I will list it for you.

Thank you all for participating in my little contest and for supporting Hercules Invictus.

Jenni Canuck
14 hace años
Wow! I can hardly believe it...this is like a dream come true. After all the waiting and sleepless nights, I don't know what to say. I always thought that the number 7 was over-hyped, but I now realize that it is truly deserving of its lucky reputation. I want to thank Jenny for having such a great idea and for providing the prize...I've been wanting to read Michael Pollan : The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals for a long time. I want to thank Lola for administering the forum, facilitating contests like these. I want to thank John for creating the website that makes it all possible. I want to thank my wife and kids for all of their support (tearing up) while I worked and hoped for this day to come. I want to thank my parents for teaching me that it is OK to chase your dreams...(voice catches) Mom! I did it! Finally, I want to thank Mentira de Cepcion of the Psychic Friends Hotline for her words of encouragement...she's been telling me for years that my ship was about to come in...I should have never doubted her (stifled sob), and I never will again. Thank you all...I'm the king of the world!
Rebel Sun
14 hace años

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