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Forum: BookMooch Contests

Interdisciplinary Puzzle Contest

First of all, a "thank you" goes out to becca and Cara for providing points for the prizes.

OK...I've tried to make this one a little more challenging. I don't think you need any clues to get started, so I'm not going to give any.

The running time for this contest will be from now until the end of the day on August 28th (no special reason except that I have a little more time on the weekends to write). For anyone still interested at that time, I will post the solution at the end of the day (Japan time) on the 29th.

At the end, a 10 point prize will go out to a randomly selected eligible participant ("eligible" meaning that the response fulfilled all the necessary criteria...please try to answer in such a way that you do not give away the answer to others). 10 points will also go to that person's choice of charity. 2 points go to the first correct response and 2 more for the first one to correctly answer the bonus question (please email me with the answer to the bonus question so as to not give it away to everybody else). There is 1 more smooch point available in the contest. I also reserve the right to smooch anybody with an especially creative eligible response.

All right, enough of the administrative stuff...

Please use my bio photo for this contest (you will probably have to copy it and blow it up...and maybe print it out as well). Using the "photo", here is the clue to start the ball rolling:


and the bonus question:


Good luck all, and may the force be with you!

Rebel Sun
14 hace años


Hi Rebel Sun,

I have no idea what the dickens your coded puzzle could mean.

Could you give us a hint or two?

14 hace años
I don't like your chances Peter.
Dan can be a pretty tough Head Master!
14 hace años
"'Tis a lesson you should heed,
Try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again."
-Hickson (1870)...
Try once more!
Rebel Sun
14 hace años
I just found a book called "The Man Who Had No Idea" by Disch. I can relate, at least by one hundred percent.
14 hace años
Hi Rebel Sun,

I still have no idea what the dickens your coded puzzle could mean even though I have tried ninety times.

14 hace años
That's really very exact Peter... ;-)

I have to confess, I had a look at the main puzzle last night and, even though I think I have an inkling what the clue is about, using it with the chart didn't seem to work. I've deciphered the bonus question but have no idea what the answer is.

I intend to try again this weekend, probably while a bit drunk as it seems all my good ideas come about in that way.

14 hace años
Gareth, I too have deciphered the bonus question, but have no idea what the answer is. I guess I do not have enough background on the subject matter to even make an guess but I will keep searching. I have also figured out the puzzle code but now I am stuck as to what to do next.
14 hace años
I've tried...and tried...and tried. I'm giving it up, sorry.
14 hace años
Update: The first correct answer has been given and the bonus question has been answered...Columbo would be proud. Only 693 hours left!
Rebel Sun
14 hace años
Sidney Sheldon (1917-2007) once said "The only one who can make you give up is yourself." Unfortunately, I feel compelled to do just that.
14 hace años
164,000 members…10 comments… Do I need to give "directions" to increase the "number of letters" (comments)? In Bart Simpson's words: Ai Carumba!
Rebel Sun
14 hace años
I am printing out the chart and the clues and taking it with me to DMV (IN So Cal that means hours)I hope to have success by the time I return this evening!
14 hace años
I’m still trying to figure out the responses to your previous (supposedly, easy) puzzle. Even with the answer in front of me, I have no idea what any of them mean.
Lola Soleil
14 hace años

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